The course has been fairly bad at handing out information. So far I have been given three different views on schedules, course dates, tuition fee, and tuition fee dates. There was another point, something minor...oh, right. I found out today that the part-time course I thought I was doing and applied for doesn´t exist.
The four year is a full-time course, something the admissions-officer didn´t mention when she specifically verified me applying for the part-time for four years. Ho hum.
Also found out that they seem apply what is called long year to their course, which is a UK version where the year is divided into three semesters, not two. This will mean the summer holidays disappear and increases the cost quite a lot for me staying in London and paying for room, board, food and transport.
Why can´t I do this course in Lund in Sweden instead? Or Uppsala? (the Oxford and Cambridge of Sweden). Or even Malmö Högskola? (A polytechnic in Malmoe, the third biggest town in Sweden.)
Oh, right. There are no university degrees in chinese medicine or acupuncture in Scandinvia. That´s the reason. I forgot.
I need more coffee. Or lunch. Or both.