I got on a bus that only went half-way of my trip and had to get off and wait for another one. That was ten very long minutes of my life, on a bridge in London with streaming traffic and rushing pedestrians. In that region, there are also building-works, so traffic is shut down, and there seemed to have been a multiple car pile-up since ten cars in a row where standing still and un-used next to the sidewalk in one of the lanes. I saw the scared face of a middle-aged woman in one of them, the only one with people still in them.
Very strange. But London is, normally: I just discovered it seems like some kind of hallucinogenic trip when you have a bad cold.
Scene: sitting on a bus, in central London, a black double-decker passes us by and stops a bus further down. I almost think it is a hallucination – but no, it´s the Ghost Bus who does ghost tours through London on an old Routemaster bus, painted all over in glossy black...